When it comes to corporate gifting, there is no better time to thank clients for their support than at Christmas time. Sending a beautiful corporate hamper full of tasty festive treats is a great way to show your appreciation. With so much choice available, how do you make your corporate Christmas hampers one of the most unforgettable experiences for your clients?
Sending a smile with Christmas Hampers
Christmas is a time like no other. It is about traditions. From hanging baubles on the Christmas tree to leaving mince pies out for Santa Claus. Drinking mulled wine around a roaring fire or heading off to see a pantomime. Christmas is also a time for giving and receiving gifts. It’s a time for putting smiles on people’s faces.
So, as a business, making your clients smile and feel appreciated has got to be a bonus. Sending your valued customers a stunning hamper sounds like an easy win, but you have to get it right.
Unpacking Christmas Hampers
The origins of the hamper come from the French, considered by many to be the home of luxury, although we’d argue that it’s Hull. As with many French traditions that have been adopted on our shores, hampers were brought over to us by William the Conqueror. However, Christmas really got big with the Victorians. The Victorians loved Christmas and would send their loved ones woven baskets filled with luxury produce.
As traditions go, we’re big fans of sending hampers. And we like to think that we know a thing or two about how to get it right. So let us give you some pointers on how a corporate Christmas Hamper will get you noticed, for all the right reasons.
First Impressions – They always say that you never get a second chance to make a first impression, and we couldn’t agree more. Imagine you’ve just received a delivery. You’ve opened the box to find that someone has taken the time to send you a beautifully curated hamper. You’re going to feel amazing, right? Your customer won’t forget that. However, make sure that you haven’t scrimped on the presentation.
Perfect Packaging – Remember that your client will see the packaging before they have even seen what goodies lie inside. Think about what packaging is going to best reflect your message or even your company’s brand. There are so many ideas for hampers nowadays. You can even make a departure from the traditional woven basket. You can consider a hand-tied sack, a wooden chest or even a high-quality printed box.
Tailored Products – There is so much choice when it comes to deciding what to put in your hamper. It is important to think about what sort of products you want to include. You should consider who you are sending the hamper to and what message you want to convey. Do you want your hamper to reflect your company’s brand and values? Or do you want to make the products personal to your client to show that you’ve taken the time to think about them?
Showcasing luxury – If you have taken the time to order a gift for your client, you don’t want to ruin it by choosing cheap produce. This could devalue the gesture. What you decide to put in your hamper reflects your company and your commitment to quality. Another great idea is to include locally sourced products as well as more well-known brands. This attention to detail will make your client feel valued and leave a lasting impression.
Get personal – You’ve spent a lot of time getting to know your client, so show that it matters by personalising your hampers. Firstly, consider whether you are going to brand your hampers with your own company branding. By using your company branding, there’ll be no mistaking who sent them such a fabulous gift! Or you can even consider personalising the hampers with their company brand or even their name. Then they’ll definitely know who the hamper is intended for.
Personalising a hamper gives you some really effective ways of getting noticed. You can consider a personalised printed wrap around your woven hamper. Another great option engraving a wooden box, which gives a lovely luxurious finish.
Go green at Christmas – You can really show off your company’s green credentials by making sure that your hampers are sustainable. Being thoughtful with your packaging shows that your company is taking time to consider the environment.
Think about using eco-friendly packaging that is recyclable, biodegradable or compostable. No one wants their Christmas gift to be at the expense of our planet. Now more than ever, people want to know that they are working with businesses that take green initiatives seriously.

Peach Hampers have Christmas all boxed up
As a family-run business, we look forward to Christmas and all the joy that it brings. We take the time to carefully curate and design our corporate Christmas hampers. Christmas is such a busy time for everyone, so we’ll do all the hard work for you.
We individually select and personally taste everything that goes into our stunning hampers. Our years of experience in putting together creative and delicious hampers means your customer will feel the love this Christmas. We have something for every budget.
If you are looking for something truly unique to give your customers a memorable Christmas, look no further. Get in touch with the creative experts at Peach Hampers today.